Zen powered by NuCalm

A Solution for Veterans to Reduce Stress and Improve Well-being

The effects of stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances on veterans are well-documented. Lowering stress levels can lead to a multitude of benefits, including reduced anxiety, improved emotional stability, and better sleep quality. Understanding the physiology behind stress and anxiety is crucial in developing effective solutions.

Anxiety is a natural response to perceived threats, activating the amygdala and various brain regions to prepare the body for fight-or-flight. This response involves the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal-cortical system, which release hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Simultaneously, the hypothalamus triggers the release of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), further preparing the body to respond to the threat. During this fight-or-flight response, rational thinking and self-regulation become challenging until the threat is resolved and time passes.

Anxiety is characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components, often accompanied by physical sensations such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, and muscle tension. For individuals suffering from acute PTSD, anxiety becomes a constant state.

To address stress at its source, NuCalm® powered by Zen was specifically developed for veterans with acute PTSD. This clinically proven technology naturally relaxes the brain and body within minutes, without the need for drugs. By mimicking the communication pathways used to prepare the body for sleep, NuCalm targets the midbrain activities responsible for producing stress and anxiety. It works on the GABAergic system, creating a biomimetic negative feedback loop that reduces the action of the HPA axis (Hypothalamus – Anterior Pituitary Gland – Adrenal Gland). The four discreet steps of NuCalm work together to entrain brain wave function to the early stages of sleep and promote parasympathetic nervous system dominance. In these stages of sleep, anxious responses are physically impossible, providing relief within moments of application as cortisol production decreases and the fight-or-flight response is disabled.

The neurophysiologic manifestations of NuCalm include rapid induction of a parasympathetic hypnogogic dissociative state, sustained parasympathetic dominance throughout the session, and a rapid return to a fully functional state with no negative post-sedative effects on motor skills, attention, or cognition.

Recovery through NuCalm is achieved by scientifically sequencing the experience to create and maintain parasympathetic nervous system dominance, as indicated by the hypnogogic state induced by Alpha/Theta brain wave dominance. Research shows that the physiology of individuals on NuCalm aligns with a “relaxation response,” with relaxed muscles, improved oxygenation throughout the body, including the frontal cortex, and cellular restoration, leading to accelerated recovery.

Magnus Johnson, President of Mission 22 and a former Green Beret Combat Veteran, speaks highly of NuCalm’s effectiveness in managing his post-traumatic stress. By dedicating as little as 20 minutes a day to NuCalm, he can access a state of mind where he can respond instead of react to his feelings and thoughts. This enables him to be humble, thoughtful, patient, and kind, rather than aggressive, irritable, and fearful. NuCalm allows him to be his genuine and authentic self, free from the burdens of PTS.

To learn more about NuCalm powered by Zen and its benefits call 512.501.0252

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